Frequently Asked Questions

What is coaching?

Coaching refers to the many processes used to transport people from where they are to where they want to be. These processes come from many fields: the science of coaching, team science, psychology, education, sports, leadership, mindfulness, communications, mental training, and more! A coach is a dynamic partner, a guide to support you on your path who works together with you. Coaches can walk beside you, give you a push, or run a few steps ahead to trailblaze and expose new possibilities. Coaches help to connect you with your unique motivation style so you can take action steps towards your chosen goals and desired outcomes.

Coaching relationships can be short or long-term, with occasional or frequent meetings, at an intensive pace or with ample space for reflection, for groups, teams, or individuals. Working with a coach always leads to change. Coaches are strategic partners, sounding boards, cheerleaders, and guides by your side, ready to initiate or accelerate you along your own path for intentional personal and professional development and conscious leadership. Salt coaches are your catalysts, your team, your change agents, while you further your skills in self-coaching to achieve and feel amazing.

Does coaching work? What are the benefits?

Yes! Coaching works! But only if you do. It’s like any kind of learning, training, or personal development process – your input will impact the results you get. Coaches can’t do the work for you, but they can engage you and show you the way.

Here are some of the most obvious benefits:

- 80% of people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence

- Over 70% benefit from improved work performance

- More than 70% benefit from improved relationships

- Over 70% report effective communication skills

- 86% of companies report that they recouped their investment on coaching and more

- Your poise and responsiveness increases

- When you invest in yourself, your self-respect increases

- You stop wasting time on things that don’t serve your goals and purpose

- You start making time for what matters to you

- You get to practice empowering thoughts, mindset, emotional mastery, and mindfulness

- You wake up to new possibilities

Would you like to read more?

Check out this research article from the Journal of Positive Psychology

Who hires a coach? In what circumstances? Is this for me?

Today you can find a coach for anything and everything. Coaches can help people untangle themselves from negative situations and can help people construct and achieve the life and work of their dreams. Coaches can support innovators and creators as they bring a new idea to the world. At Salt, we have noticed some trends over the years about the kind of clients who want to work with us and who benefit from our style of coaching.

Read on here and see if you identify with any of the following situations.

What types of coaching does Salt provide?

Executive Coaching

Coaching for leaders focusing on strategy, management, impact, and career path as well as increasing personal and professional skills in conscious leadership.

Team Coaching

Coaching for a group of people who work on the same team with common goals including volunteer team, teams in large multinationals or international organizations, project teams, startup teams, creative teams, and small or medium sized business teams. Participants desire to work better together and to achieve defined results.

Group Coaching

Coaching for a group of people who don’t necessarily work on the same team or even at the same company or organization. Participants share a growth mindset, and an interest in personal and professional development, and value wellbeing, networking, and meaningful work.Learn about Integrity Works online program

Career Coaching

Coaching with a defined focus on issues like: career path, skills acquisition plans, job seeking, networking, personal branding for professional reasons, returning to work after a break, recertification, changing careers, and creating your own job description. We use a psychometric evaluation to help clients understand their professional personality and the personality of others.

Business Coaching

Coaching about conscious leadership and strategy sessions focused on your startup, small or medium sized business, or sole proprietorship for either launching a business or helping your business to thrive. Clients create detailed plans through the process of business coaching to define tasks, roles, responsibilities and product and service offers. They strengthen partnerships and get clear about their business vision.

Life Coaching

Holistic coaching that acknowledges and welcomes the integrity of a client’s life, that can include executive, business, and career coaching and can happen through individual meetings, coaching intensives, or a group coaching process. Clients learn techniques that can support their goals in relationships, finances, community, health, creativity, and more through a focus on identity, values, and the future to want to build.

Evergreen Coaching

Digital coaching resources available to you 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, with lifetime access. Our fully online program, The Integrity System, includes case studies, a self-coaching method and decision making tool you can use in all areas of life, a mindfulness practice, challenges, teaching videos and transcripts, and more!

Specialty Coaching

Contact us here to discuss specialty coaching for:TEDx Speaker PreparationDigital Community ManagementOn-Camera PresenceRowingGraduate StudentsArt & Design SchoolApplications, or your unique request

How do clients usually work with Salt?

We work in-person and online in English and French. We are based near Geneva, Switzerland and work internationally.

Click here to learn more

What is self-coaching?

Self-coaching is a process that anyone who has experienced coaching can learn in order to calibrate emotions, master thoughts, increase motivation, invoke creativity, and take action steps. Self-coaching leverages any kind of personal or professional development work you have already received, accomplished, or experienced.

Sources include:

- Inspirational talks

- Great conferences

- Impactful books

- Fantastic bosses

- Brilliant teachers

- Sports

- Performing arts

- Constructive habits

- Connection to nature

- Your inner wisdom

- Your culture

- and of course, previous Coaching!

Self-coaching techniques reinforce neural networks in your brain that serve your health, your emotions, your goals, and your positive impact in the world. Your brain and your emotions should serve you and support you in all you do. Self-coaching methods impact your inner voice and require practice. Results of learning and practicing self-coaching can; in some challenges save your life, free you from overthinking, increase your productivity, reduce stress, increase laughter and joy, and can positively impact those around you. Self-coaching supports healthy finances, bodies, and relationships too. We teach self-coaching to all of our clients, whether in workshops, individual coaching, or in our group programs. If you would like to start learning a system for self-coaching right now, access The Integrity System HERE

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What kinds of standards and ethics do you apply to your coaching practice?

We follow and maintain the ethics and standards of behavior established by the International Coach Federation, (ICF).

Read our full list of standards and ethics here.


High impact programs for high impact leaders

We offer coaching services, psychometric testing, talks, workshops, facilitation, and consulting services. Our coaching offers include individual, team, group and self-coaching programs. Our areas of expertise include communications, teaming, diversity & inclusion, emotional intelligence and conscious leadership.

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