How do clients work with Salt?

Individual Coaching

Clients subscribe for several months of individual appointments. Appointments are usually 90 minutes long and can be monthly, twice a month, or weekly.

Types of coaching: Executive, Career, Business, Life, Specialty

Half Day Coaching Intensives

Clients spend ½ day with us for 4-5 hours of intense, customized coaching in groups from 1-12 people.

Types of coaching: Executive, Team, Group, Career, Business, Life, Specialty

The Integrity System

A work-at-your-own-pace online system available 24/7 to clients providing coaching tools with 12 chapters that includes mindful meditations, challenges, worksheets, case studies, and many self-coaching techniques.

Types of coaching: Executive, Career, Business, Life, Specialty, Evergreen

Integrity Works

A 12- week group coaching program to teach self-coaching techniques for people with a growth mindset interested in well-being, personal development, and positive impact. All participants get access to The Integrity System!

Types of coaching: Executive, Group, Career, Business, Life (Bonus is Evergreen)

Custom Workshops & Coaching for Companies & Organizations

We will create a program with you or for you according to your needs and schedule that can include team coaching, individual coaching, workshops, intensives, retreats, and series.

Types of coaching: Executive, Team, Group, Career, Business, Life, Specialty

Professional Personality Test

Denise Nickerson is a vocational psychologist who can administer a Professional Personality Test to individuals and groups to assist you with hiring choices, team building, career orientation, relationships at work, leveraging your strengths, and choices when there is a fork in your professional path.

Types of coaching: Executive, Team, Career, Business, Life, Specialty

Expert Talks:

Both Michelle Guiliano and Denise Nickerson are TEDx speakers and experienced keynote speakers and trainers on a variety of topics.

See Michelle Guiliano’s TEDx talk about Teaming through Crisis here.

See Denise Nickerson’s TEDx talk about Inclusion in Digital Spaces here.


High impact programs for high impact leaders

We offer coaching services, psychometric testing, talks, workshops, facilitation, and consulting services. Our coaching offers include individual, team, group and self-coaching programs. Our areas of expertise include communications, teaming, diversity & inclusion, emotional intelligence and conscious leadership.

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