You have dedicated time and emotions, taken risks and made sacrifices to make it to this point in your professional life.

Are you wondering where to go from here?

Or, how you can make an even greater impact?

We can help you to find the answers.

Change is happening. Welcoming change is hard.

Our clients know that Salt is a catalyst for change.

Are you ready for a change?

Are you ready for Salt?


Make a difference in the world

While it can be difficult to have a clear view of ourselves, having an accurate self-awareness as a leader is necessary for further development. Coaching can kick-start the journey by helping you to clarify your key strengths and growth areas.

The process also sees you through building the skills necessary to see yourself more clearly: to question your assumptions about yourself, get curious about where you’re strong and where you need to grow.

When you work with us, you get a tailored action plan, access to two dedicated coaches in real-time and measurable impact indicators to track your progress.

Tailored action plan

Through one-on-one sessions and personalized activities, we get to know each other on a deep level. We customize every action plan for each of our clients - we understand that each individual is unique with unique needs and adapt our programs accordingly.

24/7 access

Continued support across a variety of channels and mediums, access to valuable resources and open communication lines with us all result in a consistent way of working that supports you every step of the way.

Measurable impact

We design ways to track your progress so that you can monitor your success with us in measurable ways.


Leverage your existing strengths

What sets us apart is our approach – we are not interested in creating dependencies but rather in teaching our clients the art and science of Self-Coaching. We have compassionate, motivating voices that our clients learn to internalize for their goals and dreams.

Whether you need help getting out of a crisis, need support in transitioning from “great” to “amazing,” or need to learn facilitation skills, we help you get there through identifying what you value, choosing priorities, connecting to gratitude, taking action, and integrating sustainability.


Coaches are accountability partners, your guides by the side. Together, we will define your current and future sphere of influence in areas that impact your health, relationships, career, energy, earnings, and the causes that matter to you.


Through techniques that move you from emotional intelligence to emotional mastery, you will learn how to use the power of emotions in every area of your life. It’s not only about feeling better, it’s about feeling purposeful, focused, and fully alive.


Your experiences, your talents, your dreams matter. They deserve attention, care and a measurable strategic approach that allows you to feel awesome while advancing. We mobilize to support you, to navigate challenges and to create opportunities that accelerate the process.


Based on interview processes, journaling techniques, hypnosis, and mindfulness exercises coupled with our attentive focus, clients gain clarity about their next steps, habits, values, vision, and their lasting legacy.

Learn & master self-coaching techniques

We have always understood that talented, dedicated professionals, have limited time. We know how important it is to achieve results in a manner that makes efficient use of your time. For this reason, we offer flexible solutions that allow you to customize to your preferred working style and support to help you advance step by step and with confidence.


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